Thursday, 2 June 2022 12:00
Uniting Diversity and Preserving the Nation's Cultural Arts Through the Sabang – Merauke Live Performance
Jakarta, June 2 2022 – Indonesia is one of world’s largest countries, with over 17 thousand islands housing thousands of ethnic groups and languages stretched across from the nation’s westernmost island of Sabang to the edges of its easternmost town at Merauke. With a geographic area of up to 1.811.570 km2, Indonesia is also home to a myriad of artistic and culture diversity; represented through a cornucopia of music, traditional song, dance, dress and intangible cultural heritage present within all folds of local society.
As a form of appreciation as well as a tangible effort to preserve the nation's wealth, PT iForte Solusi Infotek or better known as iForte, inaugurated a performing arts performance entitled " Sabang - Merauke Premiere with Live Performance ". This performance, which will involve hundreds of well-known Indonesian artists, will be held for three days, from 3 – 5 June 2022, at the Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta.
"In accordance with the atmosphere and spirit of commemorating the birth of Pancasila on June 1, we hope that the Sabang - Merauke Performance can serve as a contributing force to continued preservation and celebration of the nation's culture within all levels of Indonesian society," says the CEO and President Director of PT iForte Solusi Infotek, Aming Santoso. in his remarks at the press conference on Thursday (2/6/2022).
iForte’s “Sabang – Merauke Premiere with Live Performance” at the Djakarta Theater is a continuation of a similar event previously held at the Prambanan Temple Courtyard at Yogyakarta on March 26th 2022. The juxtaposition of traditional dances and song amongst the backdrop of Yogyakarta’s historic Prambanan Temple came together to create a memorable spectacle of motion, color, and tradition.
Carrying over a similar concept but with new added adjustments and touches, Sabang Merauke brings together different corners of the Indonesian archipelago in a contemporary, yet cultural authentic arrangement. This is realized through its medley of 21 folk songs and 1 national song, expressed via both traditional and contemporary musical instruments. Each song is accompanied by a variety of energetic dances that harken back to the rich regional traditions behind the show’s many melodies. Various traditional clothes from each region complete the performance, illustrating the harmony and unity present within Indonesia’s diverse cultural landscape. Before the show began, audiences were greeted by a traditional Betawi ‘Palang Pintu’ procession, a representation of Jakarta as the host for the event.
“This production is a culmination of collaborative work and practice amongst Indonesian artists from various walks of life; ranging from singers, musicians, dancers, and so on. Combined through a harmonization of ethnic music, folk songs, traditional dances and traditional clothing; we hope that our performance will be able to inspire people to appreciate the nation's arts and culture even more," said Director Sabang-Merauke Live Performance -Merauke Rusmedi Agus
Moreover, Rusmedi explained how several traditional and modern dance stylists were involved in the choreography line, including Sandidhea Cahyo Narpati, Pulung Jati, Dian Bokir, and Rizky Dafin. Meanwhile, former Cokelat vocalist Kikan Namara was appointed as music director as well as lead vocalist along with other well-known singers such as Mirabeth Sonia, Christine Tambunan, Taufan Purbo and Alsant Nababan. This heavy cultural-ethnic nuance will also be made much more profound through Kidung & the team in the traditional music composing section and the support from Ava Victoria & the Orchestra Team.
Citing her dual role as music director and lead singer, Kikan Namara admitted that she was motivated to present her best work at the Sabang – Merauke live performance. She and her band team will perform a variety of traditional songs raging from Aceh’s Bungong Jeumpa from Aceh to Yamko Rambe Yamko from Papua. They have undergone extensive preparations and exercises to ensure maximum results on stage.
“The Sabang – Merauke live performance has an entirely unique artistic concept compared to previous endeavours I have made in the performing arts. We strive to present various elements of art from all over Indonesia as a singular unit in a manner that is not only entertaining, but also true to the nation's cultural values,” Music Director & Lead Vocal Pagelaran Sabang – Merauke Kikan Namara.
Besides the art performance itself, visitors to the premiere can immerse themselves further in the beauty of the archipelago's culture through a cultural fair that takes place outside the performance area. The Sabang – Merauke Performance has also worked closely with the Indonesian Fashion Designers Association (IPMI) to create a line of traditional clothing that will be worn by the show’s performers. These include the work of famous designers such as Iwan Tirta, Anne Avantie, Ghea Panggabean, Danny Satriadi, Era Soekamto, and Ivan Gunawan among others.
“The Sabang – Merauke performance has encouraged the enthusiasm of IPMI designers to be involved in presenting various fashion designs with strong local flavor. This is also a form of appreciation and love from us, the designers, to always preserve the cultural heritage of our ancestors, " said IPMI representative Danny Satriadi.
Additionally, Vice President Director Marketing & Sales iForte Silvi Liswanda said the Sabang – Merauke performance could be only realized thanks to the efforts of all parties involved, including music and dance artists, fashion designers from IPMI, event organizers, and all art workers. “Thank you to all parties involved in the Sabang – Merauke Performance. We all share the same spirit, to interweave Indonesian diversity and spread love for the nation's arts and culture, especially to the younger generation.”
About iForte:
iForte is a subsidiary of PT Professional Telekomunikasi Indonesia or known as Protelindo, a subsidiary of PT. Sarana Menara Nusantara, Tbk. Protelindo is one of the largest independent tower providers in Indonesia, with more than 28,000 towers and more than 54,000 tenants.
By the end of 2021, iForte has succeeded in building and operating a fiber optic cable network of more than 100,000 km and a target of 135,000 km by the end of 2022. In addition, iForte has also succeeded in connecting more than 20,000 towers in Indonesia with fiber optic cable networks, and already has more than 6,000 VSAT sites and serves more than 2300 corporate clients.
For More Info Contact:
Victor Sihombing
Head of Marketing Communication PT iForte Solusi Infotek